Some suggestions for good people to follow on here
I still think GroupMe is a great chat app and is getting better all the time
I’m a huge Jorge Masvidal fan, my wife’s cousin shipped us his tequila from Vegas, can’t wait to try it this weekend!
So I’m looking at this today and thinking, do I really need these? What purpose do they really serve? Should I keep one or none? What do I talk about? Tech? Not so interested, just things in real life? People don’t talk about that
Good morning from my caseless iPhone 11pro 😆😆
Finally got Xfinity to come out and fix my internet, working like a champ now!!
Can anyone help, I’m having trouble with 2 things, when I write in iA writer it doesn’t show in micro.blog correctly, especially with a title etc, also, even though I posted a photo, it won’t let me add a photos page 🤷♂️
So I’m moving all my blogging over to here, I think much simpler and easier
So I’m moving all my blogging over to here, I think much simpler and easier
My wife Made Delicious Meal Prep For Us, Stuffed Poblano Peppers! Yum!!
hello everyone its been quite a while, Im in the midst of a digital reset and im liking it very much!
Good Evening I’m going to be starting a blog, I hope you read it